Attendance & Absences

If you need to report your child absent or sick, please call our front office. You are welcome to leave a voicemail at any time of the day. Absences should be verified with a reason within 72 hours. Otherwise, they will go on your child’s record as unverified and unexcused.

COVID-19 Guidance Update

The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and SDCOE have updated the COVID-19 guidance. The updated guidance will allow individuals to follow a more symptom-based approach than usual for other illnesses. Individuals who develop symptoms and test positive must stay home for 24 hours from the onset. A child or staff member with COVID-19 can return to school or childcare if their symptoms are mild and improving and they have had no fever for 24 hours. They are no longer required to stay home for five days. If the student or staff member with COVID-19 never developed symptoms, they may continue to attend school or a childcare setting.